Lazio Region: projects from labor and sexual exploitation of immigrant women

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donnetraffico2An integrated system of emergence, initial reception, assistance and social integration. Two projects against labor exploitation, sexual exploitation and trafficking victims who sees the immigrant women. Initiatives are "The Hagar" and "Hagar II" approved by the Lazio Region and co-financed by the Council of Ministers, Department for equal opportunities. "With these projects - said the President of the Lazio Region, Renata Polverini - confirming our attention to phenomenon of violence against women and promote specific actions in favor of victims of trafficking and serious sexual or labor exploitation. While the goal is to bring out the submerged cases, we aim to make the other paths of assistance and social and labor integration. A take-over at 360 degrees to prevent the victims fall victim of exploitation. " "The agar - To act and assist in anti-trafficking network in the Lazio regional program to support emerging and before" and "Hagar II - To act and assist Network against Trafficking in the Lazio regional program of assistance and social integration ", create an innovative system of governance by the Lazio Region and associations working to assist victims of exploitation. In particular, specific units of street intercept the victims directly in the places of exploitation, in order to offer protection and first aid at the refuges. This first phase will follow a path that seeks to promote social inclusion and the achievement of full independence, through the stages of the complaint and accompanying the process, but also legal support for the possible acquisition of a residence permit The health and social care, training for job placement and support for assisted repatriation.

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